Online Advertising, Advertising, Branding, Illustration

Creation, strategy and digital


Digital, traditional advertising, OOH advertising, with HNSN, we’re able to create a unique and very complete marketing structure.

Navigating through the hospital’s broad range of services, we had a whole lot to work with.

The Oncological Centre came to change the game in the way we do oncological treatments.


Um Lugar para HERÓIS


When HNSN’s oncological centre came to exist the hospital was already a reference in health services in the northwestern part of Brazil and it had the ambition of becoming a strong player in the national market. 


With that, we created an ad campaign that not only promoted the space and infrastructure of the hospital, we also did promote the level of care that the team provided and the efficiency that could only be found at HNSN, putting the patient in the centre of the storyline, promoting them as our story’s heros.

Bussdoors and billboards were spread all over the state, carrying along with them the message that the hospital was open to traumas and urgent care. With a perfect balance of elegant and flashy, the graphic design and copywriting made the ad campaign impossible to miss.


Não importa a dor


No matter the pain, it’s urgent! Said the copy to our campaign promoting the new urgente and trauma centre within HNSN. 


With a very strong design we caught our target’s eye to the importance of an efficient urgent care. This campaign was so successful that we saw an increase of 170% incomers in our trauma and urgent care centre after the campaign launched. 

Bussdoors and billboards were spread all over the state, carrying along with them the message that the hospital was open to traumas and urgent care. With a perfect balance of elegant and flashy, the graphic design and copywriting made the ad campaign impossible to miss.

The Oncological Center the came to change the game in the way we do oncological treatments.

No matter the pain, it’s urgent! Said the copy to our campaign promoting the new urgente and trauma centre within HNSN. 


With a very strong design we caught our target’s eye to the importance of an efficient urgent care. This campaign was so successful that we saw an increase of 170% incomers in our trauma and urgent care centre after the campaign launched. 

The Oncological Center the came to change the game in the way we do oncological treatments.

No matter the pain, it’s urgent! Said the copy to our campaign promoting the new urgente and trauma centre within HNSN. 


With a very strong design we caught our target’s eye to the importance of an efficient urgent care. This campaign was so successful that we saw an increase of 170% incomers in our trauma and urgent care centre after the campaign launched.